At 03:10 PM 5/22/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I feel there are too many good caches archived when an adoption or simply
>replacing a stolen or replenishing a plundered cache would keep the cache
>active. If every effort is made to contact the cache owner and there is
>no response, I see no problem adopting the cache if the admin allows it.
Actually, I think we agree completely on this one. I think that every
possible effort should be made to contact the owner, but if that fails,
then go ahead and adopt the cache. My point about replacing it and
creating a new cache description was just as a shortcut.
At this point, you could just as easily take the new cache out and replace
it without taking over ownership of it at this point. I think all of us
have done cache maintenance for other peoples caches when needed.