[Az-Geocaching] Artemis
geogypsy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 17:54:25 MST 2005
My thoughts.......
To be a volunteer on GC.Com you need someone who knows all aspects of
the game. I am sorry but ShadowAce definitely qualifies. I would
like to think the GC.Com has regs for the volunteers but even if they
don't then who cares I think this is a game not a competition.
Anyone who wants to compete then maybe they should suggest to put
GPSing as a game in the olympics. Otherwise I will stick to playing
the game that I love and if ShadowAce is Artemis then they could'nt
have chosen a more qualified person!
On 12/21/05, Brian Casteel <bcasteel at uccinc.net> wrote:
> Meh. While not the best time of year (is there really a GOOD time of
> year?), I'm done with the matter. I felt that a friend was being attacked
> and stepped up to defend them, plain and simple. Every once in awhile,
> trolls invade any online venue, and unfortunately there isn't much one can
> do to stop such activity before something happens and they spout off to
> incite something.
> Hopefully this is the last we hear from our mystery listserv rash.
> Brian
> Team A.I.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com
> [mailto:az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com] On Behalf Of
> EvilFISH
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:16 PM
> To: listserv at azgeocaching.com
> Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Artemis
> Yeah
> you would think that something good would break the silence but yet another
> (insert word) individual will get things going on the list serv and to think
> at a time of year when most humans are wishing peace and good will.....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Casteel" <bcasteel at uccinc.net>
> To: <listserv at azgeocaching.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:50 PM
> Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Artemis
> Lay off you ignorant troll. If Artemis/ShadowAce are one in the same (which
> I don't give a damn either way), I know for a fact that Dirk solves puzzle
> caches without cheating. For example, he is one of only FOUR cachers who
> have managed to solve my Fundamental Flaw cache, which was placed before
> Artemis took the reigns. At the time this cache was approved, CO_Admin was
> the admin-approver for this region.
> Your first mistake was to actually click 'send' on such a flame-filled post,
> and your second mistake was attacking a person openly that I consider a
> friend.
> Should you be dumb enough to continue this asinine line of insults, let's
> see some irrefutable proof, unless you happen to be pulling your proof out
> of the crack you were sitting on to drum this BS up, in which case you can
> keep that stench to yourself.
> Brian
> Team A.I.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com
> [mailto:az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com] On Behalf Of
> Guthrini
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:12 PM
> To: az-geocaching at listserv.azgeocaching.com
> Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Artemis
> Time to unveil Artemis:
> Clue 1: He went to the last Yuma event; no
> caches approved that weekend.
> Clue 2: He went to Corcoran Campout from
> Saturday evening to Sunday evening; no caches
> approved then.
> Clue 3: He went on a geocahing vacation to
> northern California this summer; Joy Division
> approved caches then.
> Clue 4: He finds unique ways to solve puzzle
> caches since he already has the answers. See the
> "." by Team Dodge Podge.
> Clue 5: He and Artemis use same phrases in
> previous postings: misuse of "there" and "pump
> the numbers".
> Answer: Shadow Ace
> Oh, a man?
> That's right. Hope he is not going to hide
> behind his wife's skirt and say he knows nothing
> about what she is doing. The guy is a fraud who
> continues to find puzzle caches and FTF's. What
> a cheat.
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