Re: [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event

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Author: Steven Stringham
Date: 2007-10-10 01:38 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event
So, lets see - a free event - at the local burrito place. So, if I want
to eat, I get to pay for it myself. Great. No, problem. I can pay for
myself. I am a big boy after all. (some might disagree). So, effort to
bring this cache event into being? Talking to the local owner (some
courage required - ok), and a posting on the site. Maybe a signup sheet,
$20 for an ammo can to give away with some toys to put in from the $1
store. Gotcha.

Lets see - last years event - in Casa Grande.
Organizing the location with the owner of the property - and paying for
everyone's entrance fees for the property use.
Grass brought in and planted for the kids to play.
Props built and setup for the multiple events. This over many months of
planning, creation and expense.
Food provided, free of charge to all. Yes, donations accepted, in both
food and cash.
Many, many prizes given for door prizes and event given away. Including
multiple GPS units, Ipods, etc. Many donated, yes. Many, not.
A kids area setup, manned with baby sitting for event participants
children so they could enjoy the more active events of the evening.
A HUGE daytime event setup as a road rally. Those that participated
seemed to have a good time. But, many of the slots that were signed up
for, (with a waiting list, I might add) were no shows.
Transport for the props, etc. Setup/teardown - many many manhours from
many people (Shadowace and many others put in countless hours - I know -
I was watching them work - It is fun to watch others work!)

Who paid for ALL this? Who organized this - over MANY MONTHS of hard
work and sleepless nights (the answer is not me by the way) Who got any
real thanks? Oh, and that was YEAR 4 of doing this (I know - I have
either been at or helped at each of them). Is it any wonder that costs
might be desired to be recouped? While, at the SAME TIME giving
consideration to the roots of the event - and its real participants?
Don't be petty people.

Brian Casteel wrote:
> Rather than getting into a battle over this, I’ll answer once with
> what I know and leave it at that.
> There is some backlash to the cost because in the past it was free to
> attend, and at least in the case of the first HR that I helped
> organize, very few donations hit the table to even begin to cover the
> cost of food that was grilled, along with other items and materials
> used to create the HR environment. Subsequent years? I don’t know
> because I moved to BigSky Country and circumstances haven’t yet worked
> in my favor to be able to make it down there. I stated last week that
> if those who are complaining only knew what it cost to put one of
> these events on, attitudes might change a bit, but so far they haven’t.
> The other backlash as I understand it is due to the fact that this is
> no longer a Geocacher ONLY event. It was opened up to the masses,
> presumably for reasons I can understand, but don’t necessarily agree
> with. Posting on craigslist and azcentral the event information is
> counter-productive to sentiments regarding the event, which has always
> been about cachers. Rather than keeping it at the caliber it has
> always been at, perhaps it could have been scaled back instead, or
> simply not posted to those sites that turned this into a perceived
> commercial cache. While opening it up to the masses is a way to bring
> new cachers into the fold, I don’t agree with the way it was done.
> But seriously though. The folks taking (in some cases repeated) shots
> really need to grow up and perhaps take the time to understand why
> there is now a cost to attend, whereas in the past there was not.
> Personally, I think mistakes were made on both sides of this. First,
> by turning it ‘commercial’ by publishing information about outside of
>, and then those who reverted back to 4^th grade immaturity in
> their stabs at the turn of events.
> Unless there are some changes (not sure what or how exactly), I
> suspect that this year will be the final HR.
> Brian
> Team A.I.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of
> *ShadowAce
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:02 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event
> I received an email from a friend saying they were glad to see that
> Team Evil Fish helped Tamo get a listing for Halloween RadioActive.
> I then asked what they were referring to and they said ..
> IamHungryFish: Geolizing Event #17 by Team Evil Fish GC16FHA is the
> listed cache for people to get a 'smiley' for attending Halloween
> RadioActive.
> I had to inform them that the event by evil fish is over 27 miles away
> as a crow flies and begins 2 hours after the HRA event.
> Now I am seeing all sorts of logs on the cache within a business
> called Someburros' is getting all sorts of notes that seem to be
> taking an attack at the Halloween RadioActive event. Am I missing some
> joke by Phoenix cachers down here in the southern parts? Or do people
> really think the HRA gatherings are that much of a waste of time?
> I am asking because we (my family) are putting in a lot of time again
> this year to ensure everyone has fun and we are trying to 'out do'
> what we have done in the past. Is this really something that
> geocachers are upset about?
> Maybe I am just confused, but logs such as:
> 'Oh great! A real event. I will be there with WhirledCache.'
> and
> ' Wow, you sure this isn't a typo? You know, it's funny, I didn't see
> a $20 admission charge here. I don't even need to 'pre-register'. Or
> would that be 'FREE-register'? Well, I happen to be FREE that day, and
> since you are considerate enough to make this a FREE event for the
> Geocaching Community, I'll feel FREE to show up!
> Looking forward to a REAL Halloween Event!
> Thanks, Evil(FREE)Fish!'
> seem to be pretty direct attacks on Tamo for all the work he and his
> family put into this.
> Is this what geocaching is now about? I keep hearing about how
> friendly and supportive the geocaching community is but then we see
> things like this and have to wonder what happened that we are not
> hearing about. Would any of the Phoenix cachers care to let others
> know what is happening?
> Thank you
> -Dirk/ShadowAce
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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