>From: Robert & Linda Smith <Lrsmith@cableone.net>
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Change of topic....
>Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 07:06:39 -0700
>You are a real kick girl!! I hope to meet you and your little one, 18
>months old I think you said one time. If we have an event up here in
>Prescott I will have a seat for you and the little one with our miniature
>horse and cart. I like your sense of humor and the way you use the English
>language, far better than any thing I can dream up. I like your posts and
>enjoy reading them.
>Bob Smith, Prescott, Team Petite Elite
...AND... she drives a big ol' truck!!!! ;)
Team Ropingthewind