Re: [Az-Geocaching] CITO 2005 #2

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Author: Steven Stringham
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] CITO 2005 #2
Some of us had training, others had pinewood derbies to attend (me with
my son), others had other things to do. We were at the last one, and
some others were at the one before that. Just because we didn't make
this one, doesn't mean we don't care. Just that we have a life in
addition to caching. (is there life other than caching - yes!)

Will we be at the next one? Probably, but I am not certain yet, because
I don't know the dates and what might be in conflict with the kids and
other things. Have we enjoyed the previous ones? Yes!

But, to those who made it to this one, - Thanks for the hard work! It
does make a difference!

Steven Stringham

Apryl Clark wrote:

> Personally I don't feel that it was a jab or to try and point out who
> is a serious geocacher and who is not. I don't consider myself a
> serious geocacher..just an occasional one. However I do feel that the
> freeways need help. So if that makes me a serious geocacher so be it.
> If not eh.
> Also maybe not so much as taking 4 hours to drive to this event and
> miss training..but just setting up your personal time so that you can
> contribute by CITO'ing yourself somewhere. If you already do that then
> good for you keep on keeping I say.
> As well I do think that it's kinda sad that amoungst all the
> geocachers in the state of AZ there were less than 20 of us that
> showed up. It was 1 day and only 2 hours to do this event.
> Just my 2 cents not trying to start a debate or anything just MHO.
> Apryl