Well, so far I've tried twice to send this and it has bounced. Hm.
Here goes, maybe third time is the charm?
Despite the fact that this school subject is OFF TOPIC I would just
like to say that I believe that it does vary some school-to-school. My
daughter (7th grade) attends an "excelling" school (specifically
designated as such) with standardized test scores and other parameters
far above the state and I think the national average. (Bradshaw Mtn
Middle School in Dewey, near Prescott).
Just thought I would throw a positive, if still off-topic, comment in
the fray.
ON -TOPIC, I was in Phoenix Monday to take my daughter to the allergy
Dr. Since she had some testing done, we had a few hours to kill, so of
course, we cached. Will be posting the logs soon.
Gale, you will be happy to know that your "GPS:prn" is still in place.
GUY, I swear you must have a micro at, in, under, over or somehow
attached to every stinkin' bridge in Phoenix!!
Lightning Prescott
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 00:22:51 -0700, "Bill" wrote:
A tirade about ESL or "bad" kids and
teachers does nothing to address problems in schools. On average,
in Arizona are around the midpoint of states in the US, based upon
test scores. Not too bad, but still far from perfect.
I have been teaching Community
College here in AZ for 22+ years, so I have seen the product turned
out by our
public schools. We get some great kids. Every year some of them
amaze me with their brilliance, dedication to learning, and work
And, they still find time to chase the other gender! Don't sell our
short. They are doing pretty well overall.
If you really want to improve the
schools, get involved in your kid's education. Education is a
between the parents and teachers. Neither can do it alone. Oh, and a
free, quality education is a RIGHT, not a priviledge.
Judging by the quality of the
spelling and grammar in a recent negative post about education, I can
why some people think the schools are failing. Not every kid gets a
education, but overall I would give our public schools in AZ a "B."
If you want to go the private school
route, one of my sons teaches at a VERY expensive private high school
Tucson. For about 30K per year, you can just send your child