i know the topic came up quite a while back, but dont think anything
ever came of it...
but ya that would great to get access to the data ... go start up a
petition i'll sign it
Andrew Ayre wrote:
>Maybe we should create a petition to send to groundspeak/grounded
>inc/whatever asking them to provide limited backdoor access to the
>geocaching.com database for azgeocaching.com? I think it is silly that we
>are all freely contributing data to geocaching.com, yet our own local web
>site cannot get direct and reliable access to the data to provide services
>and features that groundspeak/grounded inc/whatever does not want to
>provide. We are not the only ones with this problem. The British version of
>azgeocaching.com (geocacheuk.com) also has problems like this.
>Anyone interested in this? I think I saw a web site a few months ago where
>you can quickly and easily create petitions that people can "sign" online.
>Brian, Jason, have you already tried asking for access to the data?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching.com
>[mailto:az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching.com]On Behalf Of Brian
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 9:36 AM
> To: AZ Geocaching
> Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Stats page
> Wow. Something definitely happened to the stats again. Now, everyone has
>ONE in-state find, with the rest OOS, and no dates for finds in the 2003
> Very odd.
> Brian
> Team A.I.