>I found this useful tool and I would like to share it with other geocachers.
>You can now be notified immediately whenever a new cache is approved near
>your home. To use this tool, go to the following URL:
> <http://www.rusticweb.com/geocaching/ncalert/>
>You need to know the coordinates of your home location. Whenever a new
>cache is approved within 100 miles of your home, you will be immediately
>sent an e-mail pointing you to a link to the cache.
>Ken Akerman (a.k.a. Highpointer)
I checked out this little tool but don't think it will be all that
useful for those of you are hooked on First Finds. (And you know who you
are.) It took almost 30 hours to notify me of a cache that popped up in
my area. By that time, there had already been 4 finds logged.
-- Sprocket