I would tend to agree, but we really can't sit around and just let the
different land managers get one side of the story and not hear ours. We
already know that we have 1 very powerful enemy by the name of Shelly
Rasmussen. I know that her mind wasn't changed at all in the meeting we
had, and I'm sure that she tells everyone that she gets the chance to
that we are horrible people that like to arrange sites to be
systematicly destroyed. If nobody ever defanded our side, that would be
the only thing they ever heard about us, and would therefore be true...
to them.
You also need to realize that a lot of people vent into e-mail things
they wouldn't necessarily say in real life to the exact same people.
Everyone's personally tends to lean to the extreme in the internet.
Brian Cluff <-- Very shy in real life.
Team Snaptek
PixceeDust@aol.com wrote:
> I can appreciate that nobody wants to see an end of caching - after all
> it is fun. But I still say SOME people here are a bit uptight about it
> and over reacting. Geez, if I'm going to take the time to write to my
> congressman it is certainly going to be something of more importance
> than a game involving tupperware containing dime store toys. And
> personally I want my congressman to be more concerned with more
> important issues. We no longer live in a Leave it to Beaver world.