I saw this on the news kinda peripherally (wasn't listening too
closely)...altho' any kind of "rescue" always perks up my ears due to
my SAR involvement. It did briefly cross my mind....I wonder if they
are cachers....but I didn't hear that specifically. I hope everybody
is OK.
Trisha "Lightning"
"RAND HARDIN" wrote:
I was wondering if anyone had heard about a rescue that occurred
yesterday out at Bulldog Wash near Blue Point Bridge on the Salt
River. One of my daughters told me last night that she heard on the
television news that a family of geocachers required rescue yesterday
out at the Salt River. I read an article in the Arizona Republic this
morning about a family who was hiking out at Bulldog Wash, and their
9-year-old son was hit in the head by a falling boulder. The boy
needed to be air-lifted out and was flown to Scottsdale Healthcare
Osborn. Does anyone know anything about the family and how the boy is
doing? I'm assumming that the news report that my daughter heard on
television last night is related to the article I read in the paper
this morning. The newspaper article didn't mention geocaching, but
the television news did. Rand Hardin (RandMan)
"Although no one can go back and
make a brand new start,
Anyone can start from now and
make a brand new ending."