I have been reading the survey responses and many of them are quite
interesting. One question has come up though.
It seems that there are 2 normal answers to the question about how many
times you look before posting a no-find log. It seems that the answers are
either 1 or 3. I understand the 1, but don't really understand 3. You
don't wait until you find a cache 3 times before you log it as a found
cache, so why wait until 3 if you can't find it when you go hunting?
This goes hand in hand with a question that I asked a number of months ago
about no-find logs. Many people won't post no-find logs but will post a
note saying that they couldn't find the cache. Why is this? Do you look
at not being able to find the cache as some sort of failure?
Thanks for posting the survey, it has been very interesting to read
everyone replies.
In liberty,