RE: [Az-Geocaching] Cache Placing Philosophy

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Date: 2002-04-06 22:24 -000
To: listserv
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Cache Placing Philosophy
I agree with what everyone else has said so far. We like a variety. We like
the closer to home, easier ones we can do after work. We also like the ones
that take us to new places, even if it means all day or all weekend. We like
challenging caches, as long as they are achievable. I originally didn't like
virtual caches, but some have been pretty good in taking us to a new places.

It's your cache. Hide it where you want, and make it as easy or difficult as
you want. As others mentioned, don't expect a challenging, difficult, out of
the way cache to be found quickly and frequently. But I think all caches
will be found by someone, eventually.

Just have fun with it!

Larry Farquhar
Team "Wyle E"

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 7:20 AM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Cache Placing Philosophy

After a long time, and many miles, I finally placed a cache at Buster
Spring (GC441F). I felt that it was a good placing at the time because
it offered challenge, variety of attack routes, and hopefully a sense of
accomplishment for the successful geocacher.

Now I am having second thoughts, and wanted some input before placing
another. The emphasis seems to be on the number of caches, and the speed
with which they are attained. Buster Spring will definitely hinder that
type of goal. Is it a bad idea to place caches in Arizona that eat up


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