[Az-Geocaching] Re:No finds.
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 07:11:25 -0700 (PDT)
-- Aus Dem Kasten <geocaching@pcgraffiti.com> wrote:
> A perfect example of this, for us, was when
> Highpointer made a note on one of our caches stating
that he did not find the cache because the
> site was too heavily populated at the time and was
> in a spot that would not allow him to be
inconspicuous. We enjoyed just knowing that another
> team was interested in locating our cache, and have
> also been reconsidering the exact location based on
that note. It is a courtesy that Tamo's Clan'Destiny,
Highpointer and other teams have performed that we
really appreciate; a courtesy that we will make an
effort to perform in the future.
> Aus Dem Kasten
When I first started Geocaching I didn't post notes if
I couldn't find the cache. I was a 'newbie' and
figured it had to be there and since I still wasn't
sure what I was looking for I wasn't going to say
anything. I have tried as I've gotten more finds
under my belt to post notes if I went to the cache but
for some reason couldn't find it.
I'll post a note if I feel I didn't give it my all;
either too many people, GPS problems, or even the
first time I've tried it. Since I generally attempt a
cache with nothing more then coords and the sometimes
the printed sheet without logs on them the first time,
I figure it's note worthy not log worthy. It at least
lets the owner know I'm looking and etc.
The second attempt is usually with any clues decoded
and having gone back to read all the logs (which I
don't read for my first attempt, usually). At this
point, if I get out and attempt to look I'm probably
going to post it as a "No Find" then.
However, when I finally locate it and turn it into a
"Found" I go back and EDIT my "No Find", that way like
somebody said previously all my logs are together and
you can get my whole story in one shot, and it 'fixes'
my no find log.
I'm not always so great at posting notes that all I
did was drive up to see a cache but there were to many
people or etc, but I might start now. Simply because
it might help others coming after me to know to
attempt the cache on a different day or different time
so they can avoid the crowd I may have run into.
xWaterLilyx & RTF
Team H20
Phoenix, AZ (Ahwatukee)
Geocaching Site: http://www.geocities.com/xwaterlilyxrtf
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