[Az-Geocaching] thoughts about urban geocaches...
Brian Cluff
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:06:26 -0700 (MST)
> I think all caches should be placed in places such that the influx of
> geocachers doesn't harm the area or bring unwanted attention to our hobby.
> A cache should be placed in places such that if I can't find it, me tossing
> rocks out of the way won't harm the area. I think caches should be placed
> as close as posible to established trails so that new trails aren't created
> by cache seekers.
I always try and disturb as little as possible while I'm caching by gently
pushing aside plants if I feel I need to look under them so that I don't
break branches and making sure that I'm not stepping on anything that will
leave a permanant mark. I evn try not to leave foot prints if possible so
that the next cacher doesn't have any clue as to where to find the cache.
When placing caches I tend to look for places that won't have anything
taking the same exact route every time so as not to create a new trail
right to the cache. Meaning that if I put it off the trail, I put it way
off the trail so that there isn't an obvious place to turn off and start
If I did anything different, I would see myself as destroying the game I
love so much. I wish there was a real cache karma for the stats that
would show the cachers that destroy the country side looking for, or
placing a cache. Luckily, I don't think I have really seen any signs of
people that are abusing the game.
Brian Cluff
Team Snaptek