[Az-Geocaching] Communications...
Scott Nicol
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 05:35:39 -0800
Hey Gordon,
I think that would be a great idea! I have a CB radio in my truck.
If someone were to specify a CB channel to communicate on and many cache
teams started doing so.. I would definetly monitor it all the time. I think
this is a great idea.
If there are enough positive comments on this subject on the listserv here,
perhaps azgeocaching.com could post the channel number on the main page for
all to see so most cachers (that perhaps arent on this list) would be aware
of it.
Team Ropingthewind
Team RTW's official web site!
>From: "Team Coyote1022" <teamcoyote1022@cox.net>
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: "Listserv@Azgeocaching.Com" <az-geocaching@listserv.azgeocaching.com>
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Communications...
>Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 00:32:14 -0700
>Hi everyone! Gordon of Team Coyote1022 here. I was out this last weekend
>Jeeping around and a thought crossed my mind. Is there a certain channel
>the CB radio that fellow cachers use? It would be nice to be able to
>communicate with other cachers that may be in the area if all of us where
>monitor and use the same channel. Just a thought and I don't believe I've
>seen anything come up on this subject to date.
>By the way, congrats to all the caching teams and persons reaching a
>milestone recently! My caching has slowed down quite a bit due to having
>catch up on household repairs and chores..... Mrs. Coyote kind of laid
>law down and this coyote doesn't want to sleep in the DOG house! LOL
>Take care everyone and have a safe New Year!
>Gordon :-)
>Team Coyote1022
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