[Az-Geocaching] GeoTheives and frustration: Why not make more "Members Only" caches to deter thieves?
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:04:13 -0800 (PST)
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If you intend to put a cache in an area where it may be more likely to be stolen or plundered, why not make it a "Members Only" cache? This may deter some, but not all, would-be cache vandals and thieves, especially for caches with easy access or in potentially questionable areas.
It seems like there is only active "Members Only" cache in the Phoenix metropolitan area. I would like to see some more "Members Only" caches, because I want to get some more value out of the $30 that I paid earlier this year.
Ken Akerman
a.k.a. Highpointer
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
<P>If you intend to put a cache in an area where it may be more likely to be stolen or plundered, why not make it a "Members Only" cache? This may deter some, but not all, would-be cache vandals and thieves, especially for caches with easy access or in potentially questionable areas.</P>
<P>It seems like there is only active "Members Only" cache in the Phoenix metropolitan area. I would like to see some more "Members Only" caches, because I want to get some more value out of the $30 that I paid earlier this year.</P>
<P><STRONG><EM>Ken Akerman</EM></STRONG><BR>a.k.a. Highpointer</P>