[Az-Geocaching] Prescott "Strike Force"
Tue, 03 Dec 2002 10:01:40 -0800 (PST)
So far, Team CHUMP, Tres Hombres and I (we- Lightning & VStar,
unoffially known as Team Storm Cell) have been bantering around ideas
and schedules, looks like Christmas week to do Seven. (I have a
feeling it may snow before then however....) Anybody else interested?
Trisha "Lightning"
barry.neely@prudential.com wrote:
> Let me know what is decided. What a reason to do off roading and
> cacheing...
> Hiker
> trisha@brasher.com
> To:
> "Arizona Geocaching"
> Sent by:
> <listserv@azgeocaching.com>
> az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching. cc:
> com
> Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Prescott "Strike Force"
> Saturday November 30, 2002 08:34 PM
> Please respond to listserv
> Scott's post about a "strike force" on a cache (I think that is what
> he was talking about) reminds me that I wanted to ask the Prescott
> anybody) cachers, who are close to solving the "Seven of Seven"
> series, would they be interested in forming a group to do the Seven?
> It requires some 4x4....and for those who have all the clues except
> FOUR, we could arrange a group outing for Four too, with those with
> Wranglers or ATV's (and brush cutters!!!) helping with rides for
> without.
> If interested, let me know so we can put something together before it
> snows. I know the general area of Seven, but still need Four's clue
> also.
> Thanks,
> Trisha "Lightning"
> Prescott
> Yavapai Co. Jeep Posse Searchers
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> make a brand new ending."
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