[Az-Geocaching] Scratch and Cache archived
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 07:20:03 -0700 (PDT)
Amen to that, Denny. I try to do the same with my 14
and 11 year old girls. Whether it sinks in (Whether
ANYTHING sinks in at these ages!) I hope so!
On Thu, 11 April 2002, "Ford, Denny" wrote
> The one benefit that I get out of Geocaching is
teaching my sons how to treat the land with respect,
that includes
> trashing out, if you bush whack try to do it with
little impact. Usually even when you are bush whacking
there is a
> game trail to follow. I know trying to have a 12
and 13 year old aware of their surroundings is tough
but when they
> are grown they will understand how to treat the land.
I have yet to meet a geocacher that did not share this
feeling of
> protecting the land.
> Denny
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