[Az-Geocaching] Cache Placing Philosophy
Brian Cluff
Sat, 6 Apr 2002 20:40:24 -0700 (MST)
On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Team Tierra Buena wrote:
> People look at those stats and their competitive juices get flowing.
> And number found is perhaps the easiest stat to compare. (That's why I
> think it was wise of Team Snaptek to include the stats that are
> weighted by difficulty and terrain ratings. They know that it isn't
> only about quantity.)
This is very true... when you look at the number found by Team Snaptek we
are at the time of this message at 30th place with 61 caches found, but
when you select score that is based on the number found, the difficulty,
and the terrain all together, we suddenly jump up to 23rd place that team
tierra buena currently has with 73 caches found.
The funny thing if that while everyone seemed to be concentrating on
getting the most finds, wolfb8 came along and zoomed to the top of the
list in the number hidden and cache karma with almost no compition at all.
Brian Cluff
Team Snaptek
P.S. I definatly need to work on the sorting interface on for the team
stats. It annoyingly flips back and forth every time you click a
different column... not at all the expected or desired result