We started to do the Eagle Eye run Sat. but it started to rain, Lately I
have put more out than i have found.
On 12/4/2011 2:10 PM, Eric wrote:
> On 12/4/2011 11:00 AM, az-geocaching-request@listserv.azgeocaching.com
> wrote:
>> Re: Are people still caching?
> I, and the rest of team AZJAMMIN have slacked WAAAAAY off on
> caching...mainly due to the price of gas....being busy with other
> things...and also just don't make the time to do it like we used to.
> There are plenty of caches around my house that I should be going out
> to get... maybe laziness is a factor??? :) hmmmm not attending many
> events cuts down on my caching too.. cuz I used to make it a habit to
> cache to and from the events... and we actually miss the Halloween
> Radioactive events... and we were sad that there was no AJACS Campout
> event this year too.... another factor in not caching much...
> excuses...excuses....
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