Re: [Az-Geocaching] New feature of Geocaching

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Author: Craig
Date: 2011-08-20 18:38 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] New feature of Geocaching
From what I've read in the last day or so on FB's Cacher's group, there's a
lot of confusion, frustration, and more than a tinge of dismay about this
new category. Think I'm with Jason and will wait a bit to see where the
chips fall.



[] On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 3:58 PM
To: Mel Hockwitt (Carmel)
Cc: R S; Wade; Scott Edwards; Mono Team 2002; Phil Hoffmann; Russ
Fitzpatrick; Melissa Halpern; ; scottmindib; Pat;
Cog&gil; ; AZTech; tim.naylor; AZgeocaching; Roger
Chamberlin; Drew Mauer; Cristina Gaff; Brad; ADB Arizona Desert Brew; Ed
Evans; Robert Martin; Jeffrey Thompsen; katherine Manning
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] New feature of Geocaching

FYI, based on what I have been reading in the forums about the debacle of
the challenges starting yesterday ... this one will soon be archived.

They MUST be location specific. "Take a picture in front of a flag" is too
general ... "Take a picture in front of the flag in Tucson located at XXX"
would be acceptable.

Only Groundspeak is supposed to be able to put out general world-wide ones
at this point.

Just a heads up to anyone that may be thinking of putting some of these out
there ... I for one and waiting until all the kinks to work out before
considering it.



On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 3:41 PM, MEL HOCKWITT <> wrote:

We now have Challenge caches to accept, we have issued a challenge in the
Tucson area to anyone that wants to find it. Will be interesting to see how
this plays out.

Have fun.

Stay safe and healthy,

Carolyn & Mel (Carmel)

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