My trusty old GPS-V gave up the ghost last week -- looks like the
display is gone. I see them on eBay (both used and new) but I'll
consider a newer model.
My old GPS-II+ and GPS-III units died or were donated a long time
ago. if I'll switch, I'll retire my Touratech and RAM mounts ($$ !).
Garmin's touting a "geocaching mode" on their new units. Does anyone
know specifically what this means?
My interests in a new GC GPS are: Great battery life, ability to load
Garmin Topos, WAAS, 500-1000 waypoints, back-tracking, "Waterproof" or
better and Durability -- it'll be mounted exposed on my ATV and also
be a handheld hunting / geocaching unit. Color isn't necessary.
az_pistolero (Jon)
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