[Az-Geocaching] Need back-up maintainer(s)

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Author: Shari Guida
Date: 2008-04-02 00:51 -000
To: listserv
Old-Topics: [Az-Geocaching] AJACS 4th Annual Campout Event Cache
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Need back-up maintainer(s)
Hi everyone,

We're going to Colorado for 6 months in our motor home and have several
caches in Arizona that will need a back-up maintainer in our absence. The
caches are:

GCMJ20 Channel 3 Cache..located on South Mountain in the Phoenix metro area

GCN8B0 Happy Easter Cache.located just west of Lake Pleasant.need high

GCMBC0 Merry Christmas Cache..located near Vulture Peak outside of

GCW8K4 Lame-O Cache for Guess What?...located on Rt. 93 just north of

GCKZ7M A Shocking View.located just east of Rt. 93.south of Nothing

GCKZ7G The Devil Made Me Do It.a two-stage multi located very close to A
Shocking View

If anyone can volunteer for any or all of these to be back-up maintainer,
we'd really appreciate it. All are active and have been found between 1/4/08
and 4/1/08.

Shari of Shamik

Maya Angelou: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change
it, change your attitude. Don't complain."