Hi, everyone.
I may have not reached all of you, so I am sending this message again.
The following is information about National Public Lands Day acoss the state and the NPLD event occurring in Phoenix.
Please share the news and join us for the fun on Saturday, September 30th.
Carol (AZgeckogirl)
The Arizona Geocachers Association (AZGCA)
National Public Lands Day
Saturday, September 30th
National Public Lands Day, 2006 (NPLD) is Saturday, September 30. Visit
http://www.npld.com/ and check out the Arizona page. There are about 18 events scheduled statewide, from Yuma to Chinle, and from Lake Havasu to Safford.
Saturday, September 30th
The Arizona Geocachers Association (AZGCA) Invites geocachers in and near Phoenix to join us in volunteering at the
North Mountain Visitor Center
of Phoenix Mountain Preserve
12950 N. 7th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85020
(602) 495-5540 voice or (602) 262-6713 TTY
Volunteer planting & trail maintance 6:30 am 9:30am, Exhibits: 9am-2pm.
There will be a variety of projects for children over the age of 5 through adults that will entail planting, seeding, painting, clean up, and some heavy duty trail maintenance. All volunteers will receive breakfast and a T-shirt (among other things in the goody bag.) : ) This is an ideal opportunity for us to help out while getting Geocaching and the organization known to land management and other outdoor enthusiasts.
Volunteers are needed! Due to the overwhelming response last year, the North Mountain Visitors Center will not accept any on-site registrations. All volunteers must sign up prior to the event via
alonso.avitia@phoenix.gov (602-534-6522). If you would like to help operate our exhibit (from any time between 9am-2pm) at the North Mountain Visitor Center or have any further questions about registration, please respond to
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