>From: "Brian Casteel" <>
>The point was that such a line of thought was inappropriate in this
>You could/should have stated simply that your comment was meant
>tongue-in-cheek and left it at that. I certainly have opinions on this
>matter that would certainly ruffle feathers, but that is the extent to
>I am going to speak of it here.
To put a cap on this thread...
My first comment was meant to be a joke. I thought it was pretty funny when
I posted it. It was geocaching related. :) Bill in Wilcox's post in response
was not simply stating my post was inapropriate. My second post was
inappropriate for this forum. Yes. But I just wanted to set the record
straight. I have nothing against hispanics. I have a few friends who are
hispanic (and all agree with my feelings on the subject of illegals). One of
them is a true Mexican national who is now here legally. I have a few
spanish language CD's that I enjoy listening to and singing along to. I am
even going on a 4 or 5 day trip to Chihuahua, Mexico in November. So I
certainly have nothing against them.
Subject thread closed!
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