WOW! For the price of that Garmin 2720, you could get a nice laptop, and
connect you handheld GPS to that for in-car use!
Bob Renner wrote:
>I have been wanting to get a GPS for the car. This
>will not be used in the field, but rather strictly in
>the car. I want something with the following
>1. Larger color display with fine detail
>2. Full autorouting with voice commands for turns
>3. Basemap (preferably loadable with America or
>4. Detailed street maps fully unlocked
>5. Points of Interest for food and drink, lodging,
> attractions, entertainment, etc.
>6. Expandable memory for maps, etc.
>I have been looking at the various Garmin Streetpilots
>(2610, 2620, 2650, and 2720) and the various Garmin
>iQue PDA/GPS units (M3, M5, 3200 & 3600). Does anyone
>have any experience with these particular units?
>Also, with the iQue units, there are 2 which are Palm
>OS 5.2 based (3200 and 3600) and 2 which are Microsoft
>Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition based (M3 and M5).
>Does anyone have any recommendations on these OSs for
>The iQue units are a lot less expensive than the
>Streetpilots, and also have the PDA capability. Are
>they lacking in GPS functionality compared to the
>Any helpfull information will be greatly appreciated.
>Bob Renner
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