>From: <crystalh@cox.net>
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: <listserv@azgeocaching.com>
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Signature items
>Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:38:05 -0400
>I don't yet. I'm fairly new to caching....I found my first one with
>4wheelingmirage on April 2nd and I think I've only had my own GPS about 2
>months now, although I'm getting a new PDA tomorrow and got the GPS
>navigation system that goes into it. I've been trying to figure out what
>to have as a sig item. What are some of the things that others use?
If you haven already got a PDA... you might consider the Garmin IQUE M3 or
the other IQUE models. They are a full features PDA/GPS in one unit! The new
M3 uses Pocket PC instead of Palm OS. If you prefer Palm, the IQUE 3600 uses
the palm OS.
I was considering the new IQUE but shy'd away from it as I was a bit
dissapointed in the processor. Even the new M3 only has a 312 processor.
Which is fairly fast. But compared to the new ASUS A730W, the Dell Axim X50V
and the HP iPaq hx4700 .. that have over 600 mhz processors... Garmin is
still way behind. 'Too little, too late' as the saying goes. Not sure why
they didnt go with the faster processors to keep up with the competition in
the PDA market. Of course, Garmin does boast having the GPS integrated in
the unit. But I am in the market soon for a new PDA... so I am looking for
maximum power from a PDA unit. So I will just keep my PDA and GPS seperate.
It sounds like the reviews on the HP PDA's are a bit better than the ASUS
for their top of the line models. Of course, wait a few more months and
there will be new techonolgy out again!!!! :( I must say, it is amazing what
these new PDA's can do nowadays. Makes my old Palm M130 ancient!!! The new
Dell Axim X50V has a graphics accelerator (video card?). Amazing. The
description says it is capable of 'gaming'. The DVD quality is said to be
superb for watching full length DVD's. It also has Wi-Fi.
But, if I were looking to combine GPS and PDA... why purchase two units (the
GPS hook up to the PDA) when you can have it all in one!? In that respect...
I think Garmins M3 or other IQUE models is the only way to go. Alot easier
to carry around than having a cable and unit hanging off your PDA.
Team Ropingthewind