Hey Steve,
I was able to drop the location specific ones up there. I just have a few
left that want to travel wherever. Apryl and I are gonna take them up to
Flagstaff tomorrow. Have a good trip if you haven't left already! It's
beautiful up there :-)
mailto:az-geocaching-bounces@listserv.azgeocaching.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Oregon trip
Hey Crystal (and anyone else with TBs going to WA, OR, or points east)!
Get them into Mine's
94a-3ebcbbe7129b> Bigger than Most, by Saturday AM, and I'll take them to
WA, OR, OH or PA as their goals require.
Cache On!
Steve, aka Mr. AZgeckogirl
crystalh@cox.net wrote:
Hi everyone! It took me about 2 hours to get through all of my listserv
messages, but I finally made it! I just got back from a trip to Oregon last
night (with my non-caching friendly husband) and had to tell you about the
difference in caching between there and here. I only got to do two caches
while I was up there, but extremely beautiful landscapes. GPSR was all over
the place because of the trees and rocks and hills and stuff. I was near
one and stopped and watched the coordinates go up by about 30 points before
they finally stopped! CRAZY! Unfortunately, I only got to drop about half
of the TB's that I took with me. I guess 4wheelingmirage and I are gonna
have to take a roadtrip this weekend to get rid of the rest! Here are the
links to the two that I visited. I just thought that in the heat of summer,
you might like to look at some pics of some nice cool places :D
I'll probably add some more pics to it later after I get the rest off of the
laptop. These I added while in a hotel room in San Diego. Notice my logs
about how not so easy the climb was! Apparently I chose the wrong ones or
people in Oregon are in better shape than I, cuz a terrain of 1.5 is sure
different between there and here!
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