RE: [Az-Geocaching] Photograph Arizona virtual cache

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Author: Trisha Brasher
Date: 2005-07-06 01:54 -000
To: listserv
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Photograph Arizona virtual cache
>From recent searches in the area (assisting Coco County, and from the Ijams search) when we (Jeep Posse) had to get to the Rim area above Secret Mtn, we went all the way into Flag and came SW on Woody Mtn Rd (FR 231). This isn't to say that the way in by Fry Cyn (Fr 535) might also work, but....

So, travel SW on 231 to FR 538 (by Turkey Tank...#1, [the Turkey Tank Bob mentions after Power Tank is #2], NE of Casner Tank). FR538 travels very close and east of Turkey Butte (the west side of Turkey Butte is Sycamore Wilderess) and south past Power & Joe Tanks and Hidden Cabin. At the point it enters Yavapai County is where you *can* drop off into space on the pass. There, FR 538, if passable, becomes Trail 109 which leads you out onto Secret Mountain. The cache appears to be in Sec 17, T18N R5E, by the way.

The roads up there are awful in places, but that entire area was recently thoroughly searched, so we know something got thru (altho it may have been ATV's and horses!)

>From Sedona, Trail 5 from Lincoln Cyn Rd (by Loy Butte) appears to be another trail, steep in places, that would access the area. In fact, FT5 joins up with FT 109 on the aforementioned pass just south of the Yavapai Co boundry.

I spent 10 hours today manning a roadblock at Dugas Rd for the YCSO, assisting the Northern fire ops. It was hot, dry and windy. I only mention it because altho' I kept hydrated by drinking 8 bottles of water (1 gallon) and 3 cans of soda, I didn't have the urge to 'relieve myself' even after I got home, and I was only sitting (under shade) and standing in the sun intermittantly. These hot and very dry, low humidity conditions can be deadly. A long hike would require carrying ALOT ALOT of water, probably 3 times what you think you might need, plus some. Tank water? Yuck!! :-)

I look forward to seeing which brave and in-shape souls venture out into this gorgeous area. Maybe wait until October? :-)

Trisha ~ Lightning

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Renner" <>
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Photograph Arizona virtual cache
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 13:29:32 -0700 (PDT)

> Looking at Topo! it looks like there is a way in from
> 89A just north of the switchbacks at the top of Oak
> Creek Canyon. This is just south of Fry Canyon.
> The route goes past the following features on the
> topo:
> Fry Park
> Fry Lake
> Near Casner Tank
> Flag Tank
> West of Turkey Butte and the lookout tower
> Power Tank
> Turkey Tank
> Joe Tank
> Hidden Tank
> Enters Yavapai County
> Masonry Tank
> Concrete Tank
> Secret Cabin
> And then curves around to Secret Mountain.
> The total distance from 89A is 25 miles with 20.5 in
> Coconino county and 4.5 in Yavapai county.
> I'm not sure where the Wilderness boundary is and you
> have to start hiking.
> I was in some of this area years ago and I remember
> that the forest service roads were very rough in
> spots. It might be a fun mountain bike adventure,
> with an overnight campout at Secret Mountain.
> There is a lookout tower in there that has to have
> access, and there is a power line that also requires
> occasional access.
> If you note, there are several tanks you pass enroute.
> If you carried a water purifier/filter, you could cut
> down on the water you needed to carry.
> However, I do agree with Trisha.
> If you go BE PREPARED.
> Bob Renner
> --- Roping The Wind <> wrote:
> >
> > I am not sure if there is an easier way. But I still
> > think it might be possible to take roads back in off of I-40 to the
> > cache.
> >
> > Scott
> > Team Ropingthewind
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