Re: [Az-Geocaching] GSAK Question

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Author: Robert & Linda Smith
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] GSAK Question
Thank you so much for the input.. As luck out have it, I discovered that
"%code" a few minutes after I sent my question to the group. It seemed
odd that my tower computer loaded the GPS the way I wanted and the
Laptop did not load them correctly. I had been playing with the screen
you mentioned for an hour or so and did not see the difference until I
had the same screen up on both computers. It's all better now. Thanks
Bob Smith

Paul Ross wrote:

> Robert
> After you click send to gps, you arepresented with a screen. On this
> screen under 'waypoint name' it should read '%code' yours probably
> says '%name'. Great peice of software. Use it for both the garmin 60CS
> and my trusty Magellan Gold.
> Hawk
> Team RedHawk
> Robert & Linda Smith wrote:
>> Dear Group,
>> I have been using the GSAK software to load my GPSr's with all that
>> neat waypoint stuff and all the degrees, minutes stuff and it has
>> been working fine for a long time.... Upgraded the laptop to version
>> 1.2.6 and I can not figure out why the software loads the cache name
>> instead of the waypoint name like it used to.. Any of you
>> programmers out there have an idea???
>> Bob Smith, Petite Elite