TEAM 360 wrote:
> You bet, I will place some Terracaches. (Just as soon as I buy a gps!)
> I like to see the competition, if TC grows enough, maybe GC will sit up
> and take notice!
> Also, I have to ask all you "Anti-Nude Cacher" people: Where were you
> for the past couple of years, while NudeCacher was posting his pics over
> at No one said anything about THAT, but you are willing to
> jump all over for the same thing.
> Yes, lists Virts. So does Same thing with Locationless.
> There are plenty of ALL cache types on both sites.
> So what??
> If you don't like a certain type of cache, then don't do it. It's just
> that simple.
> Back in the beginning, all cache types were lumped together in your
> stats. Then people whined, and got the cache types categorized.
> Now they want caching sites that only list traditonal types of caches?
> Enough already!
> For those who say that TC is "Wild West" caching, with no rules, and
> anything goes: I challenge you to actually TAKE A LOOK at They
> have a cache rating system. If the cache don't cut it, it will find
> itself archived soon enough. Also, your sponsors on are actual
> cachers, and believe it or not, many of them have COMMON SENSE. They
> know where the line is.
> Do you have to make a choice between and No, not at
> all...the two sites complement each other, actually, and between them,
> cover most aspects of caching. Every cacher will find something they like.
> Now all we have to do is get to crawl and add
> finds to your totals displayed on AZgeocaching, for those of you who log
> online...
> Look, I am not saying is perfect. But neither is
> It's good to help the little guy out. It wasn't so long ago that
> only had a few caches listed on it, too.
> Jeff.
I agree Jeff. Look for some virtual Terracaches in the Superstition
wilderness very soon. GC needs a wakeup call.
Cord H. team: doublebogie6
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