I'll raise you 2 Deck chairs, 3 cordless screwdrivers (bad batteries
included), an Earthmate GPS and some $$
Bob Smith, Petite Elite
SSpackeen@aol.com wrote:
> Trade ya a Kenmore microwave, a Black & Decker 16" electric lawn
> mower, an oval end table, a PC/133 w/5GB and 64MB RAM, a LexMark X11
> printer, AND $200 in cash!
> - Skip/SkooterMan
> In a message dated 3/15/2005 12:53:02 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
> team360usa@yahoo.com writes:
> Going to list my Glock 9mm for sale, but thought I would give
> anyone on here a shot at it first..
> Glock Model 19 9mm with an extra 10 round clip, carrying case and
> fast-draw leather holster. Less than 200 rounds through it. Not a
> scratch on it, either. Haven't priced them lately, but I think
> $350 for everything would sound about right.
> Team360usa@yahoo.com <mailto:Team360usa@yahoo.com>
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