Well, we used to say "What's a factor of 10 amongst friends?" :-) Really,
in the past, Astronomy was almost totally about figuring things out to within
an order of magnitude (a factor of 10), so getting things within a factor of
two nowadays is a big improvement! We're all just continually refining our
measurements anyway with the rare big discovery mixed in occasionally.
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, Brian Casteel wrote:
> So, by your own admission, you apply a factor of 2 to everything. Does that
> mean your projected asteroid strikes are truly only half of what you
> publish? :P
> Brian
> Team A.I.
Jim Scotti
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~jscotti/