Maybe this is the second can of worms for the week, but aside from the
powertrail that most of the cachers agreed should be a multi or set of
multi's, I am not understanding this comment.
I have been working the caches of Arizona since November and I can say
that virtuals are almost but not quite impossible to list. The
guidelines are very clear on virtuals and if you see in the forums
what Jeremy wrote you will see that I have no decision making
authority. It either fits the guidelines or it does not.
Since I am the one doing the cache reviews for Arizona, I am concerned
by the comment of discouraged from placing any more caches. I know I
spend many hours every day trying to list each and every cache that I
can for you all.
That cache that was hidden 2,200 miles from the cachers home does not
normally get listed unless they find someone to maintain it.
Caches placed on the Indian Reservations will be denied because many
of the indian nations have told groundspeak that cachers will be
charged with tresspassing if they place a cache here.
Caches placed in the NPS areas will be denied because the park rangers
have said they will place fines upon the cachers if they are caught or
they will just collect the containers and trash them.
If you have had a cache listing denied there is a very friendly and
complete process to make sure you were treated fairly and given all
the benifits of the doubt. If the cachers claims to have received
permission and groundspeak gets a message from the land owner saying
we are allowing violations of the rules, we the reviewers suck it up
and admit a mistake. I have never to the best of my knowledge denied a
cache because of lameness or lack of desire to do so.
Caches sitting in a please archive because the cache owner has not
checked on it in six months status even get direct emails and notes
before I take any action.
I have always wrote things like 'please tell me your opinion' when I
have an issue I need to discuss with the cache owner. now I am asking
you Gale, if your having an issue with cache listings, please let me
know what it is so I can assist.
This whole argument of lets leave groundspeak is fun to watch, but if
you are having a problem, I would hope feel you could talk to me. I do
not volunteer my time to groundspeak because it is fun. I accepted
there offer to assist because I felt it would help the community in
the state I live in.
> Perhaps part of the
> reason they havent been as exciting lately is that many cachers are
> discouraged from placing caches any more with recent interactions with
> I know I have been feeling like that myself. Or maybe it is just gas
> prices keeping people from setting caches.
Volunteer Reviewer