[Az-Geocaching] GPS cell phones

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Author: Scott Sparks
To: az-geocaching
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] GPS cell phones
We just bought 4 new cell phones for our family and here is what I have
learned about their ''GPS'' capabilities. They are not GPS receievers
as we (as geocachers) would term them. The use something called
''aGPS'', or Assisted Global Positioning System. No, you can't use one
to go geocaching (although I'm sure it won't be long before cellular
manufacturers offer an integrated unit that will do that.) What it
does is allow you to call emergency services (like 911) and, if they are
equipped with the proper aGPS hardware/software, they can track your
location and send help to you ASAP. That is the reasoning behind it, as
I understand it. Of course, like all technology, the potential for
abuse is always present. The good news is, there is an option in the
phone settings to turn it off. For those of you concerned about the
government being able to track you down, if they have a reason to track
you down, they probably already know where you are. ;-)

On a related note, I recall ShadowAce recently having to call 911 after
a mishap attempting the Razorback cache. I just wonder if ''aGPS'' was
involved or if he just told them his coords over the phone. Any
comments, Dirk?

-- Sprocket

Randman wrote:

>I'm sitting here this morning listening to KFYI radio, and the subject is GPS cell phones. It appears a lot of people are concerned with privacy: Wives and husbands keeping track of their spouses, and BIG BROTHER monitoring the users, etc. I'm curious if anyone on this listserv has used these phones and what they feel about them!?

Bob Smith wrote:

>A couple of months ago we got the Motorola V60s on Verizon. I quizzed
>the kid about the GPS part of the system and he was so vague even when I
>described our GPS and caching to him. I don't see where they can have
>anything in the cell phones that look at all like what we are using for
>Bob Smith, Team Petite Elite

RTW wrote:

>I dont think that is what the GPS cell phones are about. They arent for
>using as a GPS unit. They have some kind of GPS capabilities built into it.
>I was told it is for 911 situations.. so they know exactly where you are.
>Brian/TeamAI might be able to explain more about this?
>Of course, THEY know exactly where you are anytime of day and anyplace as
>long as the phone is on.. the way I see it. ??? I dont like it. Just another
>attempt by our wonderful government to control our lives and track us every
>step of the way, every day.