ShadowAce wrote:
> I did not however know this was your listserv, since it appears to be so
> and you are making rules on how we can communicate on the list, please
> forgive me. I will hold all posts to myself.
As the real owner of this mailing list I have gone through great
lengths to keep any Spam (unsolicited mail) off the list. I had never
imagined that anyone would take someones information that was given to
them in confidence off the list and try and use it for financial gain.
I can only say this makes me extremely unhappy.
I don't want to put my foot down and say NO business dealing with
ANYONE on the list, but it sounds from Ken's own explanation that he was
no more than a very casual acquaintance with Mr. Gecko and shouldn't
have tried to have any business dealings with him at all.
Trust me, I know what it's like to have no money. I've personally
lived out of my car for a short time, and had to eat ramen for 3 meals a
day for almost a year because I couldn't afford more than 50 cents a day
for food, and all I had was a microwave to cook with, when times were
"good", so beans and or rice were out of the question. (in hind sight, I
guess I could have cooked rice in the microwave.). Being out of work
for a long time is no excuse to start to bend the rules of common courtesy.
Anyway, I guess my point would be that you should ask permission
before trying to do any business with ANYONE, and you should only ask
permission of people you know. Writing to people on a mailing list does
NOT count as knowing them! The people on this mailing list are only
here for a few reasons and none of those reasons are to increase ANY of
our salaries... including mine.
Brian Cluff
Team Snaptek