> interesting side note on Bronco Butte... I just looked at the cache page
> Team Ropingthewind is still the last team to find it! We found it way back
> on June 9, 2004 (another attempt at capitol punishment... doing it on a
> summer day!). There was a no find log on April 11, 2003... but, they didnt
> really 'not find' it. They didnt make it to the cache site and ended up
> turning back. It is an interesting log... read it! I cant beleive no one
> even attempted that cache in two years!!!!! That is a very beautiful hike
> with some SPECTACULAR scenery along the way and at the top. I highly
> recommend the hike. Unless the cache is not there anymore, anyone
> in a really good workout and some awsome views.... I highly recommend
> this cache.
> Scott
> Team Ropingthewind
There you go, Scott. Logging finds BEFORE you've been there. Sheesh! ;p
Team A.I.