Author: Brian Cluff Date: To: listserv Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Yuban the Can II (Aka Everything that can happen
with caching trip.)
Joe Brekke wrote: > For those of you who have never met me, (and that's really most of
> you), I'm a 260 lb, overweight man with bum knees who is an Engineer
> and gets very little exercise all week at my job. I do swim a mile
> during lunches 4 - 5 times a week at a nearby YMCA and then go out on
> these outings. So with that description maybe you can see why I get
> a sense of accomplishment about having my child on my back while
> doing this. It's just an estimate, a WAG really, but I think Erik
> has been on my back for around 400 or so caches.
How much did you weigh 400 caches ago?... I'm just curious how well the
caching workout system really works?