Even some very experienced cachers have a hard time finding the easy
ones - so why is it so hard to believe that a newbie couldn't find the
hard ones fast?
FYI - I have valid e-mail from all of my backlight caches. I guess I
should not have maintained some of them a few days before to make it
harder on them. If we only knew.
RopingThe Wind wrote:
>> From: "Brian - Team A.I." <teamai@cox.net>
>> Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>> To: <listserv@azgeocaching.com>
>> Subject: Re: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Been there done that!
>> Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 08:19:21 -0700
>> For anyone interested, below is a link to a .jpg of a MapSource screen
>> showing the caches found yesterday. I don't see how even utilizing
>> every
>> single moment in a 24-hour period someone finding all these caches.
>> http://members.cox.net/teamai/geocaching/images/route.jpg (274k file!)
>> Brian
> I think that route could be done in a 24 hour period. They are all
> urban style caches pretty much. Doesnt look like he went any farther
> north than the 101 in Glendale, so he probably didnt get any hiking
> caches in. The question I have is how he can do all those 'hard to
> find' caches like Tamo's black light caches and several others I can
> think of that really stumped me. As Brian said... that isnt realistic
> for someone that has only been caching for a few weeks.
> I will say this... I have always said that anyone that just gets into
> the game is very capable of smashing records as they have all those
> caches waiting for them, but on the flip side.. they dont have the
> experience to find these caches in a short period of time (5 minutes
> or less) to be able to do that many in a day.
> What I would really like to see is a time stamp on all his finds. I
> would like to see what time he visited them all. I always time stamp
> my log online stating the date and time that I was there. This is just
> for my own personal diary of my caching experiences.
> Scott
> Team Ropingthewind
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