Good article, but he's a bit high on the hike time. :) RTW and I made it up in 93 minutes (with about 20 of that stopping to oogle at the scenery from various points on the way up) and made it from summit to the truck in 52. Still, it ranks as my favorite hike to date.
BTW, nice to meet you tonight.
Team A.I.
> From: Ken Akerman <>
> Date: 2004/02/29 Sun AM 03:47:04 EST
> To:
> Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Hiking Picketpost Mountain, from
> Here is an interesting and informative article from providing information on hiking to the summit of Picketpost Mountain. The author, however, failed to mention that the best parts of hiking to the top of Picketpost Mountain is that you can claim three geocaches: GCH9MM, GCH9MT, and GC607D.
> Ken Akerman (a.k.a. Highpointer)
Team A.I.
Here is an interesting and informative article from providing information on hiking to the summit of Picketpost Mountain. The author, however, failed to mention that the best parts of hiking to the top of Picketpost Mountain is that you can claim three geocaches: GCH9MM, GCH9MT, and GC607D.
Ken Akerman (a.k.a. Highpointer)