I have also been to a couple of urban caches that where placed in
community parks that had signs that stated they are for HOA members only.
In my mind, that means I am trespassing if Im not a member of that HOA! I
agree with you Denny 100%!
-----Original Message-----
mailto:az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching.com]On Behalf Of Ford,
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 4:04 PM
To: '
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] No Tresspassing Signs
I know that I have been out of the loop in Geocaching for a while, but
since when is it ok to place a cache in an area clearly marked NO
Trespassing. Refer to cache GCE770- A Brick In Stalingrad. I tried to
visit this cache on January 31st, and within 200 feet of where the cache
should have been was not one but two NO Trespassing signs. I am sorry but
this is what gives Geocachers a bad name, as bad as the Geotrashers we were
label by the Arizona Repulsive article. Am I totally off base? This one
happened to be on my way home, but if this would have been out where I drove
miles to get to it and find out it was on private property I would have been
irritated to say the least. I have seen a few caches lately place in
community areas where the No Trespassing signs say for residents of HOA only
but no permissions are posted on the websites. I want to hear the feelings
of others .
Ok I am down from my soap box, and have taken long breaths and counted to
Annoyed Tres Hombre
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