>From: Scott Sparks <
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] 1000 AZ finds
>Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 14:21:36 -0700
>Congrats to Scott of RTW for being the next to log 1000 AZ finds (as
>indicated on the azgeocaching.com stats page.)
>-- Sprocket
Thanks! After a balloon flight cancellation for Sunday... I decided to go
make a run of Wickenburg. I was bored and needed something to do! So, what
better way than to go geocaching! I would rather have been here making
money, but figured I should make the best of the day and go over 1,000
finds! That is actually all Arizona finds as I have never logged any out of
state finds (those are just archived or member only-turned caches that
appear as OOS in my stats). We must also congratulate Wyle E who also
appears to have gone over 1,000 Arizona finds on the same day I did it!
Team Ropingthewind (RTW)
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