RE: [Az-Geocaching] Las Vegas Event Cache

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Author: Koch, Dan
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Las Vegas Event Cache
Anyone interested in a 'Las Vegas Event Cache Task Force'? :)

In other words, anyone interested in carpooling and splitting the gas costs?

LazyK - Dan

Dan Koch
Eclipsys Corporation
SCM & SCC Configuration Consultant

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[] On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:00 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Las Vegas Event Cache

e1d-7d80a3577518> Here Come The Raisins by Dr Webe

A group of geocachers are coming to Las Vegas. This has given us a reason to
have en Event geocache to meet and greet them.
Here Come The Raisins will be a dinner event. We are hoping since so many of
us from Las Vegas geocache in Arizona, you might join us.
If you can make it for the weekend, there will be 2 event caches you can
attend as well as many other caches to grab.
If you need additional information, email DR Webe at
<> .