All Arizona cachers up for an excellent adventure meet
tommorrow for the 4 Corners Cachers BBQ
I know it's really short notice, As I have been reading your posts all month
Kind of feels like I'm getting to know some of you already
I'm bringing the ribs, jello salad, and the homemade rootbeer
we also have several fun/interesting activities planned
The weather is excellent, and there is a touch of fall in the air
with all the moisture we have been getting lately it is shaping up really
Promises to be a wonderful weekend!
So If your not too busy tomorrow, stick a crowbar in the ATM, get some cash,
buy some fuel, come on over and check out some the great caches we have in
the 4 corners area
maybe eat some ribs, drink some rootbeer, and have a great day!
If your up for it, we'd love to see you there!
keep on caching! and always remember.....
It's all fun and games til somebody gets their eye poked out!