Sorry for the delayed response.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Trisha, I did the Peavine trail with my
family a few weeks ago. It is a nice trail!
I really do appreciate all your feedback.
> Steven,
> Have a look at:
> Next go to Recreation and then on to Trails. There are a lot to choose
> from.
> Fire info is also available on that web site.
> ~ Ken
> On Sunday, August 24, 2003, at 04:26 PM, Trisha wrote:
>> As far as I know, all fire restrictions are lifted. Camping in the
>> urban/interface region is regulated (only in designated campsites)
>> I'd call the FS ahead of time just in case 928-443-8000.
>> Peavine Trail is nice and easy, but not really a backpack experience.
>> Ken (Lincoln) may know of a better backpacking trail (an EASY ONE,
>> Ken!! :-). If all you need is a day hike, Peavine is great, scenic
>> (waterfowl), etc. Access off Prescott Lakes Pkwy and 89 near the
>> Humane Society.
>> Have fun!
>> Trisha "Lightning"
>> Prescott
>> On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:34:13 -0700 (MST), "Steven Stringham" wrote:
>>> I am planning on taking my scout troop up to the Prescott area for a
>>> campout and hike in early September. So, two questions.
>>> 1) With the recent rains, what is the fire danger restriction
>> changes?
>>> Is
>>> it better/ less dry?
>>> 2) Suggestions on a good 5 mile (easy) hike that my out of shape self
>>> would enjoy with my scouts. I do not have a 4x4 vehicle, so that
>>> restricts
>>> my locations just a bit.
>>> And, yes, I plan on doing at least just a bit of caching in the
>>> process.
>>> Thank you
>>> Steven Stringham
>>> StringCachers