Brian is a good bet unless the coordinates are released while he's at work. I wouldn't be surprised though if he's taken the next few days off from work! [;)]
Then again, Jeff (Team 360) is another possibility (he mentioned he was unemployed at this time . . . and knowing him I would say he is ready to pounce!).
----- Original Message -----
From: Koch, Dan
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:14 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Magellan and the McDowells
Should we start a pool on who will be the first finder? Might be fun...
Back in the day, I'd have bet the farm on 'Wyle E', then maybe
'AZFirstFind'...uh, I mean 'AZFastFeet'...but these days my money would be
on 'Team AI - Brian'.
Of course, there are hundreds of other cachers out there that we don't know
much about either.
LazyK - Dan