>From: bcasteel@cox.net
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: az-geocaching@listserv.azgeocaching.com
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Adopt-A-Highway
>Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 21:09:11 -0400
>According to what I read, they provide the sign, you provide the service.
>From the time the signs are ordered, it is approximately 8 weeks to
>install. When I get home tonight, I'll double check, but I am pretty sure
>you don't pay for the sign. That alone would discourage 99.9% of the
>public providing a 'service' if they have to pay for it.
>Team A.I.
It might be different with non-profit groups... not sure. But with
business/commercial signage on the Adopt A Highway program, it is rather
costly. I inquired about that just a few months ago. I cant remember the
cost, but it was a tad bit expensive. However, my company did not have to do
the cleanup. There is another company contracted to do the cleanup. I am
basically paying for that service and in exchange getting some exposure for
my company.
It seems that there might be a program for non profit groups and the group
does the cleanup. But, again.. not sure.
It does sound like a great idea Brian. I think the event cache/cleanup is an
excellent idea and the true meaning of "Cache in, Trash out".
Team Ropingthewind
(In rainy, cloudy Seattle, Wa)
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