Last January I placed a cache on Picacho Peak
(GCC5D6), this was to replace the lost and
archived cache Watch Your Step (GC0737). Its had
been missing for over a year at the time. Anyhow,
the container that I had left was found by one
team and then it disappeared, though, I must admit
that I have not been up to verify this. After
several teams logged nofinds, I changed it a
On May 23 a team found my virtual and FOUND the
old cache container, it was in good shape. They
contacted Team Marlinspike (the owners of the
original cache) and got no response. I've
contacted Team Marlinspike as well and have
received no response. Looking at their profile
page, they appear to be no-longer active in has been over a year since their
last find.
Here is the deal: I would like to take over their
container and change my cache from a virtual to a
regular. I couldn't think of any issues/problems
with this procedure, so I thought I would check in
with the geocaching community for some feedback.
Does anyone have a problem with me adopting the
container? I do realize that I need to go back up
and check in on things...though, this peak is a
once a year thing for me.
-Rob (Wily Javelina)