I had to wade thru the thread too (by the way, when the link didn;t
work, I simply copied and pasted it onto my address line, then it
This guy is identified as "Team 360" or Indiana Jeff.
Hopefully he was just blowing off steam and is not so immature as to
go out and destroy other's caches because of a dispute over some silly
avatar thing. Seems rather childish, but.....some people are very very
immature. Too bad.
Trisha "Lightning"
On Wed, 16 Apr 2003 18:22:33 -0700, Scott Wood wrote:
> At 12:39 AM 4/17/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >Okay, I hadn't wanted to spell it out because it feels like mean
> spirited
> >gossiping to me, but here goes. One team apparently complained
> >someone ripping off his avatar (which I could care less about).
> Throughout
> >the thread, his rants about this got more hostile, apparently. He
> Ok, now I am up to speed here. Sometimes those threads, especially
> the
> longs ones, can be very hard to follow.
> As to being a real threat, hard to tell, guess it would just depend
> how
> far this person would want to push it.
> Scott
> wood@myblueheaven.com
> www.myblueheaven.com
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