Here's an interesting article I ran across. Not sure if anyone else saw it.
This is an unsolicited email to me, or what is
commonly referred to as "Spam". I didn't join the Listserv to have people
send me their personal rants. I would be more forgiving if this was an
honest email or some sort of worthwhile cause here, but all you did is spout off
your own opinions from a high horse. To put frosting on the cake you send
it to me without MY permission, then start your message telling me not to do
something without YOUR permission.
Since you so nicely ignored my preferences, I will
ignore yours and forward your message to the list and to Team Tierra Buena
directly. Perhaps in the future you will be more considerate of other
people when you climb onto your soapbox.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:06
Subject: Let's fight to keep our caches
in Scotsdale Desert Preserves: Do not acquiesce to radical "preservationist"
NOTE: This is not a
posting. Please do not forward it to that group, and please do forward
this note to other geocachers without my permission.
The other and more significant reason in my opinion is the fact that
the Commission sees the Preserve more akin to a Designated Wilderness Area
than a Municipal Park, and the city ordinances that created the Preserve and
the Commission back that up. Considered in that light, banning Geocaching
makes a lot more sense in the Preserve than in many other public
I will state my opinion here: Geocaching should be permitted in all
of the Scottsdale McDowell-Sonoran Preserve, and we as Geocachers should fight
to maintain our rights to hide and maintain caches in the Scottsdale Desert
Preserves. Why should we simply acquiesce to such a blatently unfair
policy? This land is public land that should be available to all of
us. As a freedom-loving American, I am fervently opposed to
"preservationists" who want to lock us out of public lands and treat us like
we are living in a dictatorship. (Although I consider myself to be a
conservationist, the more I learn about what "preservationists" want to do and
the restrictions they want to put on us, the more I become opposed to people
like that).
Let's fight to keep geocaching available on all public lands. We need
more, not fewer, geocaches on backcountry lands, caches that require long
hikes, are on top of mountain peaks, and are not close to parking areas or
vehicle access.
I am sending this note to geocachers individually, rather than the list
server. I am not sending this to Steve of Team Tierra Buena because I
very much opposed to his position on this matter. Therefore, please do
not forward this note to him.
Steve appears to be acquiescing rather than trying to fight to preserve
geocaching. One of the caches he said should be removed is the Thompson
Peak geocache, which I will not remove because I feel that it is one of the
best geocaches in the Phoenix metropolitan area. (Geocachers who have
visited it have expressed very favorable opinions on the log entries).
We need more caches like this one, not fewer. (I am getting tired of many of
these urban caches that require no physical exertion to find, and
which often become missing after a short time).
I will make this, and my other physical caches, "members-only"
caches. Therefore, if the Scottsdale Preserve "preservationists" want to
get and remove my cache, they would have to become a member.
Ken Akerman